About US

OK & Company

We are an enterprise & politics consultancy and focus our activities internationally on several industries and areas. We assist our clients / partners in various business areas to develop a deeper understanding of individual subject areas that can significantly contribute to their overall success.



Our consultant affiliates team includes entrepreneurs, engineers, civil servants, former military servants, managers, and research scientists, applying their experience to complex, important challenges. Our diversity of experience, background, discipline, nationality, gender, and outlook ensures our clients receive a balance of deep and broad expertise.





About the founder


Oliver Kath was born in 1967. He studied electronics / information technology. After serving the armed forces as officer, he worked in different functions in the security, IT, and aeronautic & space industry. His professional career is characterized by security policy and technological topics.



He has over 15 years management experience, holding a number of leadership positions in a variety of domains including sales, strategy, programmes, strategic business development and international campaign management with related proven track record & operational resposibility. In 2011, he was participant in the core seminar for security policy at the Federal Academy for Security Policy in Berlin.